I have a event that can take 56 people. Within that I have 7 trainers in this event each with 8 slots open. I would like folks to be able to choose which one they want but at the same time not over fill that trainer. How do you do this please?
If you need more information please let me know.
Thank you.
Easy to do with the field's "Selection Limit" function.
For example:
1) Create a new field called "trainer"
2) Make the field type "dropdown" (There is currently a bug where the checkbox and radio button options do not seem to respect the field limits even though they are supposed to)
3) Enter your trainer's names in the "Values" section:
4) In Selection Limit section, enter the number of spots for each trainer:
5) Make the field "required"
If 8 people register and select "Mike", when the 9th person gets the registration form, Mike's name will be grayed out and he won't be able to select it. He will have to choose a different trainer.