I'm sorry, but or I'm not applying correctly your Field Tags, or the in the DT Reg the calculation is wrong.
I've a event with a fee of 549 euro and a field with a discount.
I want to do a discount of 200E to delegates.
If they select the field, I apply the discount.
First problem.
Normally it is right first to do the discount and then to calculate VAT, but in DH Register the discount is applied over the final result.
So, in this field I have to put -240 Euro and not -200; in others words I have to put the discount with VAT.
This is wrong!
At example, if I sell the service to people abroad I have not to apply VAT, but in DT Reg I do a discount with VAT and so I do a discount more high.
It is wrong also because then is wrong the calculate of the VAT over the event fee, too.
At example, in the final "report" to video I see:
- The amount to paid: 418, 80 (This is correct. 549+20%-240, but it is correct because in my discount I've put VAT, 240 instead 200)
- The initial fee: 549
- The discount: -240 (the results of 200+20%)
- The VAT: 109,80.
Here there a problem and an error.
The problem is the people can think that 240 is VAT exclude, as usually, and this is not.
The error it is that the VAT is calculated over the initial Fee (549) and not over the correct value (549-200=349).
In others words, the field VAT is not useful in presence of a discount.
In the mail of confirm, there are another problem because:
- AMOUNT reports 418,8
- AMOUNT DUE reports 418,8
- AMOUNT_NOTAX reports 549, but this is not "The final registration cost before Tax is added.", but the initial value.
- TAX reports 109,8, wrong because calculate over 549.
If I have to do an invoice I have to put
549 Value of the cost - 200 of discount = 349
VAT 20% over 349 = 69,8
Total 418,8
It is important to have at video and in mails the value before tax (349) and the VAT over this (69,
Kind regards