The problem I have is with conditional fields and selection limits. My customers first have to choose their age. Depending on their selection, they can then choose from a number of courses. Once a course (or courses) has been chosen they can then choose on which weeks to attend the course, from a choice of 4. Each week of each course has a limited number of places available, so I have set the selection limit here.
But it just doesn't work!
The toolip says "Once the limit is reached for a value, it will no longer show as an option during registration" but I have even set the limit to 1 for an option, registered using that option and yet it still shows up as available next time.
Has anybody else had similar issues and managed to resolve them? I would be extremely grateful as this is business critical so I do not get overbooked.
It would be such a shame if a lack of support and 1 bug were to ruin an otherwise superb extension.
I don't think my description was clear enough, as I have configured each of the elements (age, course, week to attend) as fields within 1 single event, so each registration should first look up the selection limit for the 'week to attend' field and no longer show that option if it has reached it's selection limit.
So my problem still remains I'm afraid!
I'll try the upgrade to 2.7.4 and see if that helps.
I just ran a test on my site that is using 2.7.4 and it seems to work fine. I think I understand what you are trying so I set up fields as follows (all dropdowns)
Price Category: Adult or Child (selection limit 0|0)
Adult Classes: Basket Weaving, Soccer, or Chess (dependent on Adult Price category, selection limit 0|0|0)
Weeks: 1, 2, 3, or 4 (dependent on Basket Weaving, selection limits 1|1|1|1).
After the first registration of Adult, Basket Weaving, Week 1; on subsequent registrations of Adult and Basket Weaving, Week 1 option is grayed out.
I have recreated your example and proved that it works.
However... when I change the 'Weeks' field to a checkbox (to recreate my fields) it no longer works as it is not greyed out and can be selected once again.
Do you find this happens to you as well? Any ideas on how to get around this?!?
Yes, you seem to be correct. Checkboxes do not seem to have "DISABLED" added to them when their limit is reached. Not sure where this would need to be fixed.