Heya partner in crime . I think I have the solution for you if you know a bit of mysql.
Its called SQL 2 Excel Pro
You can grab it
(hope linking is ok)
I use this on another site i have
You can basically load your query ( or multiple ) from any table in your database
Or field column etc
It is fantastic . Then using the Module you can display it on a restricted page on your website . Or you can set permissions for access etc
You can download your tables OR view them on your site in a spreadsheet layout .
At first it was a bit confusing to set up . But they have heaps of examples to get you going .
For eg . This is one of my worsheet queries I use
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(start_date, '%d-%m-%Y') AS 'Date', jos_users.name AS 'Tech', jos_events_rec.text as 'Name', jos_events_rec.event_location AS 'Address', jos_events_rec.tech_notes AS 'Work Done', jos_events_rec.amount AS 'Amount', jos_events_rec.paid AS 'Paid', jos_events_rec.accountcomment AS 'Comments', jos_events_rec.payment AS 'Payment'
FROM jos_events_rec
LEFT JOIN jos_users
ON jos_events_rec.user=jos_users.id
WHERE start_date >= '2011/3/1' AND end_date <= '2011-3-31' AND type='type_4'
ORDER BY jos_events_rec.start_date ASC
It is a fantastic piece of work and you can do exactly what you are after with it
In fact you could do anything pertaining to anything in your database which is great .
I use it for my DHTMLX Event Scheduler .
And after its set up its all done and gives you info at any time you need it
Hope it helps you mate .
Any questions feel free to hit me up .