Is there a way to make the group members list to align with the individual list? Right now the group members are offset. It makes it very difficult to read especially if you have many fields in a registration.
My site is for wrestling tournament registrations. One tournament can have between 100 to 600 registrants in it. Wrestlers like to see who is signed up in their weight class and division. Right now is hard for them to see.
I have tried the following browser Firefox, IE8, Chrome, Opera and Safari and the group list is offset in all of them. The site is
. All events is set to private. I can submit a ticket if needed.
A ticket has bee submitted. I switched from my template to the default Joomla template to see if it was the template. The list was still offset after the switch.
I just noticed posted a thread with a similar problem. I didn't see this thread until after I posted that thread. I have included a cropped screen shot image of the problem in my thread. Maybe that will help with yours.