A customer won't be able to purchase multiple tickets at the same time. Their registration info is not being saved. If they click to register to buy 1 Adult Ticket, then select to go back to buy 1 Kid ticket, all their registration info has to be input a 2nd time, and the info in the cart for the Adult Ticket is lost.
I'll be losing customers if we can't fix this. I don't recall running into this with the demo?
Today I thought I'd go in and change the "fields" so they were set to exactly what I needed when this was finally complete. I also thought that if I made sure all 'events' required exactly the same fields, it might fix the issue. This may be the case, but I can't save anything! I went into each 'event' and made all the fields go to 'default', but none of it saved... argh....
I've been waiting for days to hear back from someone. I understand that you're busy. Mostly this was easy to figure out, but I need these issues resolved quickly... I have a to-do list that keeps getting longer, and this is also holding back all of our marketing plans.
It's been 6 days since I heard from anyone. Getting ancy here.
I did see that I'm not the only person with saving issues, but haven't seen much regarding the cart. I did download version 2.7.3C and am going to see if that fixes everything. I am concerned about uninstalling and re-installing, as I had to install from Directory last time. Wondering if all I need to install is the "com_dtregister2_7_3c_J15" file?
We also had to install from directory - I FTPed both the .zip file as well as the unzipped files to a folder I called tmp/dtregister. That completed the install successfully...
That being said, I also had issues in uploading 2.7.3c... and I am not sure if I caused those issues myself or if the install didn't complete properly. I also have a support ticket open.
How did you access the tables in your SQL database? That is the one thing I don't know how to do.
I'm an artist. LOL I know nothing of SQL. Can't help there.
Took me a while going through the site to find the download for 2.7.3C. I still have the old files in my TMP folder too. I'm afraid to uninstall first, having read all these posts... I'll get the courage up in after I eat something, maybe. LOL I'll let you know how it went...