Andy, glad you got this figured out. I do apologize that we weren't able to assist sooner. We've been short-handed the last couple of days, and now you're into the weekend where we often are unable to handle any support issues anyway. Just bad timing. We work hard to provide the best support possible.
To address what you found...
1) The GoDaddy setting is needed for many. GoDaddy handles CURL differently than the rest of the world, which is why this setting is there. Most GoDaddy users need this. It's only been in more recent times that we've heard of a GoDaddy user NOT needing that parameter. It seems they have some newer servers and the smaller number of users that are on these particular servers have CURL handled properly. The setting should most definitely NOT be removed, but probably needs updated as far as how it is labeled.
2) The difference in 3.0 to 3.1 versions you mentioned has never actually come up before with any other DT Register user... which is why that is not documented. We'll look to add a note about that if anyone else would happen to encounter that in the future.
Thanks Andy
If you run into anything else, let us know.