Thanks for the suggestions soccerbum. Your help for other users is appreciated. Are you trying to work yourself into a job or something here?
Anyway... Amanda, your setup could be done a couple of ways. You could do ONE event and give the two week options through fields, using selection limits. However, you can't have a waiting list for a field value, so this would not work for your situation. So you are pretty much forced to setup each week as its own event so you have the waiting list feature for both.
If you are using version 2.7, you can enable the multi-event registration option so users could register for both weeks and then make one payment. That would be a good solution for you. They'd register week one, then after confirmation, "Click to register for another event" and then choose Week two. After going through the second form, they'd checkout and make one payment. Still two forms, but only one payment. Hope some of the suggestions are helpful to you.