I've created a menu for Event Users to login with and to pay their fees from a 'pay later' option to credit card. Often users will opt to 'mail payments' and then they change their mind and wish to pay by credit card.
The problem I am having is that when the page loads for the credit card info, it's incomplete and unformatted. I get this:
I am getting a different problem That is, initially, I chose the "Pay later -- pay at door" option. Then I went to the front end user panel and clicked the Pay Now link. The transaction went through, but somehow DTRegister (our registration software) saw fit to: a) keep my status as not paid b) keep my payment option as Pay at the door c) send me multiple "Ghost" emails with neither subject nor body d) update my paid_amount by $15 everytime it sent me a "Ghost" email.
We probably never ran into this problem before because no one initially chose the pay later option then went back and chose the pay now option.
I am running version 2.6.9a. I looked at upgrading to 2.7.x, but was hesitant after seeing the large number of complaints/open tickets with that version.
Short time fix: Remove the pay now option from the Manage my registrations page -- anyone have any idea how this is done? Don't see it in the video tutorials.
Long term fix: Wait until version 2.7.x is less buggy and upgrade
Louis, if you want to stick with 2.6.9 for now, you at least need to update to 2.6.9c which IS found in the 2.7 package so you can download it. The user panel is much improved in 2.7. The current 2.7 package IS stable, but we'll be releasing 2.7.3 in a day or two which addresses lots of things and makes even more improvements. So, what you should do for today, is update to 2.6.9c. Maybe that will help. Not sure as the issue could be tied to PayPal IPN too. Then you need to update to 2.7.3 when that is released this week. The user panel definitely works better in 2.7 than in 2.6.9. Thanks.
Thank you for the concise advice and quick reply! I will follow your advice -- 2.6.9c today, while keeping an eye out for the release of 2.7.3.
If this fixes things -- and a conversation with one of the other members suggests that it might -- I will let it be for a bit and monitor the forums to see how 2.7.3 fares.