I'm very new to this software. I've created an event then added fields. In the settings of the fields I chose to include the field in all events - should be default. The fields are not appearing however. In the event I checked "both" instead of default for the field to appear in the registration form - they don't appear. I would appreciate if someone can tell me how to add the fields to the registration form. Thanks.
Sounds like you should be okay, but as there is no bug for something like this, you have to have something missing in the setup. Watch our video tutorials (the 2.7 videos) on fields and event setup. If you can't nail down what is missing, submit a ticket with site access and we'll take a look. Also, make sure your fields are published. Thanks.
You might also be sure that they are not conditional fields. I have noticed in 2.7 if I have a conditional field based on another field's value, it doesn't even show up on the event's Field's tab. However when I use the form on the front-end I see the the conditional field on my forms.