Yes, the sending of email notifications after a frontend event management task is currently not working. Should be fixed in the next package update... and those are very regular. You can disable the sending of email notification for frontend event creation in the meantime.
I have exactly the same problem as omaze with 2.7.2c .
Except I never did any front end managing.
I created 3 events in the backend .
2 Events worked fine as I never edited what fields it could have
I just switched off the ones not needed
But the 3rd event was based entirely on custom fields I created .
I never used any of the default fields that came with DT REG.
( as I needed different ones )
It goes through the whole Process then gets to the thank-you page
And that is when I got the Could not instantiate mail function error
No emails were sent, No user was created ( I have Joomla user creation on )
There is a record in the backend but it has nothing in the Registrant's Name or the E-mail columns . But if i click the checkbox, And edit it, all the info is in there.
Did a test ,
I copied one of the working ones, renamed, changed price but left the fields as they were .
No Errors .
Then I turned off the fields i didnt want and turned on all my custom fields
( All of these BTW were copied from existing fields and edited. Not created from scratch )
And tried again ,
Same thing as the first time get to thank-you page and Could not instantiate mail function:-
Checked again, No user, no emails, nothing in the record view , Edit view fully populated .
I used my new fields in conjuction with most of the default ones
And the process finished correctly, filled in in the records and user created
Also I found that if i set paid and attended on the record in the backend
Then resent the thankyou email to that user from the backend end
It still showed he had paid nothing even though I ticked paid
Also his password was gone from the new email
So it seems unless I add some default fields it wont work with mine alone
ismadmin - you must use the default name and email fields. If you are collecting a name and email address, there is no reason why you'd need to create new fields for those. You can change the label as needed. The list of records is coded to list the registrant's name using "firstname" and "lastname" fields. If you just want to collect a full name in one field, then use "firstname" and just change the label to whatever you need. The default "email" field is needed to as you found out. That's why you saw all of the data when viewing/editing the record, but the list of records can not (yet) be set to display your own choice of fields. Anyway, no reason really to not use default name and email fields anyway. Thanks
Ok thanks for the quick response Nathan .
Thought that might be the case after I did some testing last night . And yeah Makes sense that those three fields are needed . I was trying a custom form out that I created and used my own first,last name and email fields . And yeah , I could have just renamed the others but then they would have been renamed globally which wouldn't have served my purpose . No fuss , I used them with a description now .
Cheers for clearing that up .
Maybe just as an after thought ( Don't know how possible this is ) but is it possible to disable the "NONE" selector in those fields that are required ( firstname lastname email ) so you cant select none?
Or maybe a tooltip besides them saying you must have at least firstname selected?
I know now but maybe makes it idiot proof ( *looks in mirror lol* )