Just wondering if there is a way to restore the sync (resync / re-sync -- a couple of other keywords, just in case someone is searching for this in the future) between jEvents & dtRegister after the Remove jEvents sync button is pressed?
I'm not even sure if it was pressed... new events from jEvents are not showing up in dtRegister, so I'm assuming that it was pressed Is there any way to test or know if it was??
There is no way to re-sync, however, that doesn't have anything to do with new events. That only applies to existing events that are setup in the old DT Register / JEvents setup. If you are creating a new event and have first created it in JEvents, make sure the event is NOT a repeating event. Then in DT Register, click NEW in the event management area to create a new event. Select the option of JEvents Sync. Then you'll get a dropdown to choose the event from JEvents to connect to. Thanks.
Thanks for the clarification on the jEvents unsync.
In the case of my jEvents listings not showing up, it was beginner's oversight on my part. I discovered for myself a few minutes ago exactly what you pointed out: new event -> event type -- jEvent Sync. I thought that jEvents would automatically import, but they don't You have to initiate the sync. Got it now
Along these lines - I am wondering how I can get the event to show the updates such as start and end time and event title that I updated in JEvents after the event was created and linked to the DTReg event...
kcharney wrote: Along these lines - I am wondering how I can get the event to show the updates such as start and end time and event title that I updated in JEvents after the event was created and linked to the DTReg event...
Hey Kurt:
I was just reading the changelogs for the last few updates to dtRegister. Looks like this was addressed & added via a plugin introduced with v2.7.2d (see
http://www.dthdevelopment.com/index.php ... f=4&t=6604
I'd been having make changes manually in the mySQL database, so it's nice to see that it's included as a feature now
-- James
With the last update (2.7.2e) there was a new plugin included JEvents Update. Install and enable, and it will allow you to modify the title, date and time in JEvents and it then update in DT Register also.
Also, if you really need to re-sync, you CAN do this manually in the database. Go to the table jos_dtregister_group_event. The second field is "eventId". If there is no sync, this will show "0" for the event. Put the eventId from JEvents to sync the events.