I haven't updated since 2.7.0d and I'm trying to install 2.7.1d and I'm getting the error: "There was an error uploading this file to the server." And right under that it says "Unable to find install package."
Any one else having this problem with 2.7.1d? I can uninstall and reinstall 2.7.0d just fine, but seem to have trouble with the newest version.
Check your max upload size in your php.ini file... Some providers set the default to 2M. 2.7.1c was just barely over it, and I doubt 2.7.1d is any smaller...
I set my upload_max_filesize to 64M and the problem went away
Your other options are to create a smaller package yourself by removing the images (and then upload them after the fact) or use the Joomla! directory install which is a pain.