The CSV Export Utility does not pick up all fields asked for. It seems that you have to ask for everything (all 3 columns) to get the name and address information (column 2). Even if you check everything in the first 2 columns (all but the group info), you don't get the column 2 information.
Also, earlier I noticed that I got the same location for all events even though the locations were different. This could have been when there were other problems - you recall that I had JEVENTS and DTR get unsynched. I got rid of all that.
Additionally, it would be very useful to include the Event Name and the dates people paid in the CSV. I have a treasurer who is very concerned about getting enough information. Yes, I understand that you can export for each event individually.
Is there any way to extract the report viewed under Records?
What do others use for output reports? Am I missing something?
Just also watched your video... it looks like there are some other options on the screen for 2.6.x, not described, e.g., perhaps a csv of the records, and the waiting list? Does anyone know if this is in 2.6.9?
There are no additional export options in 2.6 compared to 2.7. There's actually a couple new value options in 2.7 that 2.6 did not have. We would never drop needed features from one version to the next.
We can verify after just testing again that the event name and date registered are not being included. Not sure what happened there, but we'll get that addressed right away.
"The CSV Export Utility does not pick up all fields asked for. It seems that you have to ask for everything (all 3 columns) to get the name and address information (column 2). Even if you check everything in the first 2 columns (all but the group info), you don't get the column 2 information. "
I am also having this exact issue and have an open ticket.
I haven't had a chance to upgrade to 2.7.1c yet, but I see this same issue in 2.7.1b. (I've been asked by my registration committee chairperson to wait until our current primary registration for the new set of classes is finished to upgrade.)
Hopefully this issue will be resolved in 2.7.1d, once that is available, because it is making it very difficult on the us to create class rosters without the event name in the CSV file; we offer about 50 different classes simultaneously. Its highly time consuming to create one CSV file per class.
I could not wait for enhanced reporting from the component provider, though I think they do an excellent job of responding with new or improved features. I opted to use "SQL 2 Excel" an outstanding database report component for Joomla! With a little SQL, I am now able to create any report that I need.