Anyone still having an issue saving events...
1) Make sure you have the latest build of DT Register
2) Use the calendar icon to select your date. Do NOT manually type in your date. While this works for some people, we've found it causes an issue for others. We'll be removing the manual typing ability for dates to avoid this in the future.
3) Be sure to set an END date and time. Once the end date and time are set and they are AFTER the start date and time, the red X will change to a check and you'll be all set.
Do it in this way and there should be no problem at all.
While these instructions are nice, it will be better if they work. I had jEvents, I removed the same. I have upgraded to 2.7.3. Date helper icons do not work. Event does not save and a Red x always appears after hitting the save button, next to the start date. Where is the unsync Jevents tool?
We know of no actual bug with event creation / saving... outside of some when using the Google Chrome browser. If you have an issue with this and can't figure it out, submit a ticket. Otherwise, here is just a guessing game. Something specific to your site is very likely the problem. Of course, make sure you are running the latest version too.
I tried it in IE, no go. I was able to use a previous 2.7.x version but now I cannot. Anything in my site could be causeing a problem but I have no clue what. I will submit a ticket.
I uninstalled my old version of DT Register and JEvents (and all associated modules/plugins). I also removed all DT Register tables from MySQL (they are not automatically removed when you uninstall a component...KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS WILL DELETE PREVIOUS EVENTS, SO DON'T DO THIS UNLESS YOU WANT A CLEAN INSTALL).
I had the same problem saving events until I realized that I needed to delete the MySQL tables for my old JEvents component. Once I removed the JEvents tables I was able to save events. I hope this helps someone.