If a select the first option, what happens? Will this field appear only for each member?
Maybe it doesn't work properly, but if I select the first option I can still see this field when filling fields for every member and for billing part too.
Thus I can't see the difference between the first and the third option.
I want some fields to be displayed for group members only, not for billing part.
Say, if an agent is making an order for the tourists he doesn't need to fill the information about hotel HE want to stay, because he doesn't travel himself. This info is only applied to the members!
It seems that the default function doesn't push the values to the events at once.
When I saw the "shadowed" default fields, these values were different from the default, and after reassigning them in the event itself, everything is ok...
If you creating the custom fields after creating events, the default values are not applied to them, so you need to reassign them for old events
If you create new events after the custom fields creation, this problem doesn't appear...