It seems to want to select the first radio option even though I did not choose for anything to be selected. Is there some way to load the form without any radio buttons in a group selected?
This is a very bad problem which has caused me to have to rewrite my form using drop-down fields as they allow no selection. The problem is when a radio button is a fee field because it is already selected when you change no event occurs so the fee does not show in the registration total at the top.
This problem caused my event to become a free event because I am not using any registration fee for it, just the fee fields on the form which were radio buttons.
So my work-around was to change any radio buttons using fees to drop-downs. This really needs to fixed ASAP by the author as a key feature is not functioning which is the use of radio buttons for fee selections.
I just found another issue related to this. If you have let's say two radio buttons on the form and they have a fee associated with them, for example No = 0 and Yes = some value, if you change the radio button to the selection that was not defaulted when the form displays, no events occur in any of the drop-down fields that are working for fees. Radio buttons with no fee do not affect the drop-down fields.
So, if you have a radio button associated with a fee on your form, and you change it from its default value, your drop-downs associated with fees will no longer reflect the change in the running total of the registration at the top of the form.
I did find that if you toggle the radio button in the group, the DOM event fires and the total at the top will change. So it will work but because it defaults to a selection the change in state caused by toggling it will cause the event to fire.
The solution still seems to be - fix the default selection of radio buttons even when the user does not specify a default in the field definition (leaves it blank).
After wrestling with this most of the day I finally saw a pattern. Regardless that radio buttons are defaulting when you do not specify one, I happened to notice the size of the radio button was zero! I am not sure if it happened during the upgrade but if you change the size the buttons work as do any fees associated with them.
I also noticed when I am editing fields the field list used to override field attributes per event is set to default for that field. In this case again it was a radio button. Not sure yet but it seems like I have to set it manually to get the button to work.
So, watch the size that it has a value and if not change it to a dropdown and set the size to like 110 and save. Then change back to a radio button and if it still does not work, override the default using the field overrides for the event.
More later after I test some more but radio buttons work and also work with fees and can be used to condition other fields, etc. But I agree with the post they should not be selected by default when you specify no default value is to be selected, by leaving it blank.