My registration cart is still not working correct. After entering the payment information and submitting it I still get a blank page. This has happened in all revisions from 2.7 - 2.7F. I have even tried reinstalling but it remains broken. I have already had to pull 2,000 records out using PHPMyadmin for an event this weekend and all my 2011 events, approximatley 57 different clients that need to be online in the next week. We had over 20,000 registrations this year. I cannot afford to have my site down any longer. I don't even care if I have to pay someone to fix it. I just need the issue resolved. I have support tickets open but the problems go unresolved.
I have same issue but my payments go all the way through - it seems there's just no thank you message shown. It's only for credit cards for me - pay later sees the message. I'm using 2.7.0g. I tried using both the default Thank You and a custom one for the event and both do not show. Any workaround such as a module for the time being??