I have been watching your product line and like what I see. I see a good future for DTBilling if it can be made to integrate with the DTRegister program. Specifically, it would be nice to have the option in DTRegister to pay by cc/check or invoice me / pay at the door. With the second option, they will receive an invoice of what is due and could pay early by mailed in check or 'pay at the door' if that is acceptable. In any case, there is an integrated way to clarify all payments and a record of payments. Win/Win - you get two sales, we get a comprehensive product for event registrations! David P
The new version of DT Register that we are finishing now includes a "Pay Later" option. Not sure about tagging that with DT Billing as that is intended for online bill payment. If someone was paying online, they could just use DT Register to begin with. To integrate all of this together we would also have to add a "Mail In Payment" option or something to DT Billing. Thanks for the ideas. Don't forget to give excellent votes and reviews for these components on the Joomla extensions site! Thanks!
Would like to automatically send invoice from DT Billing to someone who registers for workshop via DT Register and wishes to pay by cheque. Is this ever going to be possible?