I would like to request the ability for a registered user to sign up for multiple events/sessions at a time.
In my circumstances, I run two events a week that are back-to-back timewise. Many of my customers frequently go for both sessions. However this means they have to sign up two different times for the two distinct events I host. That's a lot of extraneous data entry. I've gotten many requests to streamline the signup process.
Can we have something whereby DTRegister pulls up all events (by date range.. perhaps for the next 6 days or so) and allows the user to put a check in the box for which events they wish to sign up for (and automatically tally the total). This will actually save me a lot of money as my events are only $5 a pop and credit card transaction fees take 45 cents each.
I would also like this option with one additional feature. I want to discount my other events if they purchase as a package. We have up to four events going on in a given weekend. If each one is $100 individually, I would like to give our clients the option to purchase the other events at a discount at the time of the first purchase.
There is a module at
that will allow you to enter multiple events as one registration. You will need one JEvent. Make custom fields for each event as check boxes with the fee associated with each event. This module will display the tally of people that registered by checking a box.
It can also be used to display a tally of particular choices for one event. For instance a tally for each meal type chosen, or a tally of seminars selected by those that register.