Nathan - any updates on EasySocial Integration? I believe DT Register would work great for our site but need to have the end user's info populated onto the registration forms. Somehow we need to be able to map the fields between the two systems to make it as easy as possible to register.
Nathan - I understand that you likely have more requests than you have time to complete. Since you haven't responded, I will assume that this is no longer a priority at this time for you. I need to get things moving on our end and have already gone a different direction on the donation side. Sorry things didn't work out. I'll check back when the next project could use DT Register to see if you have had a chance to make progress with EasySocial. Thank you.
Hi all: Me too-ism! I'll add my voice to those who would like to know when an integration component dtregister<>easysocial will come out. The other solution is to leave dtregister behind and move over to easysocial's new event feature, which is already released in beta. But I'm quite invested in dtregister and don't want to transfer over. Howard from Melbourne australia