I am running DT Reg 2.7.3 and I love the feature of being able to register for multiple events prior to check out. The only item that is causing a headache for a lot of our users is the fact that you have to fill in the user registration information for each event. I would like to see that you can add the events to your cart, then give all your personal information then check out.
I understand. There is no plan to change things in that direction. The best solution for you would be to use integration with Community Builder or JomSocial so the majority of the fields would auto-populate data from the user profile and not need to be re-typed.
Hmmm... yes and no: JS and CB will populate the fields assuming that your registered user provided it in the first place.
I would like to add my vote to improve the checkout: I'm testing the 2.7.11 and collecting feedback that it is irritating to repeatedly enter the "User Information" for each event added to cart. I understand that there could be situation where Person A registers him/herself for one event and for the other event registers Person B. But if the Person A would like to save time and register him/herself for XX events then this might become a real nightmare... why not add an option/check with label i.e. "Use the same user information as in previous event" and if checked, use the session variables and (to make it fancy jquery) hide the fields; if unchecked - proceed with the new information.
I know this will take some tinkering, but the results will be much more user-friendly.
I would like to discuss that addition with you - we will be happy to pay for that modification.
dthadmin wrote: I understand. There is no plan to change things in that direction. The best solution for you would be to use integration with Community Builder or JomSocial so the majority of the fields would auto-populate data from the user profile and not need to be re-typed.
Agreed, this works really well, I use CB and have it set up to fill in most of the users info. Before doing this I received the same feedback, I now have a header above my registrations (for users that are not already logged in) telling the user of the value of creating an account and logging in. If they are already logged in they do not get this header.
This has worked really well for me and these complaints have dropped to almost zero.
AZ - if you want to contribute to get this modified, let's chat. Create a ticket in the customization category... we'll discuss and quote there. Thanks.
shootfast wrote: Agreed, this works really well, I use CB and have it set up to fill in most of the users info. Before doing this I received the same feedback, I now have a header above my registrations (for users that are not already logged in) telling the user of the value of creating an account and logging in. If they are already logged in they do not get this header.
This has worked really well for me and these complaints have dropped to almost zero.
Hi Shootfast
Could you please explain how you managed to have the header message appear based on the user being logged in or not? Did you have two events - one for logged in users and another for those not logged in?