I have setup the latest version of DT Register and JEvents. Everything works great except the registrations do not show up on the back end when using PayPal. I have tried this with the live and the sandbox PayPal, once you have gone through the PayPal process you click on the link and it returns you back to the site with a summery of your payment and your user details.
But you don’t get any emails or registration in the backend, if I use the pay later everything works fine. I have tried this with https and http and the same thing happens.
If anybody has come up with a similar problem and has fixed it could they point me in the right direction.
Thanks for your help
If you have downloaded the patch previous to today, please do it again as there have been changes. If the problem persists, submit a support ticket with all necessary info for us to see and fix the problem. Thanks.
I\'m having the exact same issue. V2.2.2, fully patched, all is working well otherwise, but with a Paypal registration, even after seeing the confirmation screen from the User end, there is no Registration record in the system.
I have a similar problem. The database itself is capturing the data (or most of it) but it is NOT showing up at all in the back end. Trust me, there\'s nothing there in the reg list. The card gets charged, and using PhpMyAdmin I can export the data, but nothing is ever emailed to anyone and nothing shows in the admin screens of Joomla.
My problem is similar. Customers cards are being processed through Auth.net - they are approved, but there is no record in either the database or the DTRegister interface. So, they have paid but they are not registered.