So just to clarify about the first name last name field items that appear on the billing page:
The firstname / lastname is for the parents so, for example, in a group registration of two students, I would have collected both kid's names during the member pages and then on the billing page I would be collecting the parents name?
The only other consideration is that there is a class for adults so in all likelihood there is no Parent/Child Relationship and the billing page would in most cases be the same person registering. In that case renaming the billing page to "Parent Information" would not be appropriate. However, in this scenario the person signing up would be a "single" signup. Keeping it as "Billing Information" probably makes more sense.
I realize that the system has always worked this way
, however the summary page (that spells out the member names) is new, I think (and great!)
EDIT: How do I differentiate the list of names in email tags? I had made up emails that identified the students and parents using tags.
EDIT 2: In testing the single person registration with the setup you suggest the registration process does not appear to be conducive to the parent/student relationship. If a parent is signing up only one child there is only one place to collect names (The student). There is no "Billing Information" page for the parents to add in there name like I see in a group registration. Unless there is a config setting I'm missing, this will be even more confusing then how I had it before.