Installed all but CB so far and seems to be working ok.
Just taking time to get my head round users logins and various systems.
I promise I will write a positve review on Joomla Extensions as your product and your responsiveness are excellent.
I will see what my customer wants - I think the ability to have users input to Acajoom may be all they need but we'll see
Will have to experminet with 'private' settings to see how the system works - i.e. does it suggest they register and log in to main site with a link or ...???
Ian - In the main config of DT Register, you can customize the message that shows when some tries to access a private event without being logged in. You can say whatever you want... and if you want to make a link to your user registration, go ahead. You can insert HTML there. In 2.6, a WYSIWYG editor is included to make that type of thing easier.