ameridane -
Errors when trying to create a new event record (e.g. omission of the recipient address for signup emails) simply results in the save/apply button refusing to work; no error message is presented.
Validation icons show now instead of messages, giving you immediate validation before you even try to save. If something is not set correctly, a red X icon will show next to that item. Blue check means it is ok.
Even if an event is set to allow only individual signups, the front-end still shows the "I"m signing up as an individual/part of a group" choice
We can't replicate this. Log a ticket showing exactly how and where to replicate this on your site.
Hidden fields/office-only fields don't show up on the back-end
Valid bug... working on it now.
Custom drop-down fields misfiring, only show up with a single option
99% chance this is a setup issue. You probably do not have the selection limits properly setup. See our selection fields video tutorial for more info on this.
CB field mapping is wonky -- field values don't carry over properly
I believe CB field mapping is fine... haven't seen any example of it not working. Show me in a ticket and explain what you are seeing vs what you expect to be seeing. From another comment you've made, you referenced the CB synced fields not showing up in the CSV export options. Just because you have a profile field synced doesn't mean it will show for exports. The export tool doesn't connect to CB at all nor does it need to. After you select your event, the only fields that will show are the ones that are enabled for that event.
If you still believe you have an issue with that, show in a ticket please. This particular forum post really gives us nothing to go on. Tickets are the effective way to proceed. Thanks.