Hi again,
I might have found a problem. This must be a DTRegister bug:
When creating an event it gets an EventID.
Have a look at:
http://nwib.be/index.php/component/jeve ... -antwerpen
And HOVER your mouse over the REGISTER button (do NOT click, this will result in an error).
you'll see (bottom left of your browser) that the EventID for this event seems to be 20. It is not. It is actually 17 when I look in the backend.
When you klick on the following link:
and go to the last event (28apr11) and HOVER your mouse (do NOT click), you'll see the correct EventID (17).
Hope this (and more) error get's resolved quickly.
I've seen several posts and complaints about this release.
It is clear (not only to me) that this version was not ready to be released.