It is 3:00pm on Saturday, I have class that can people attend up to the start time of 7:15pm-9:00pm.
The listing is no longer available. When I change the module to show up to the end of the class it shows.
Where do i set the clock parameters for this program so that that the listing doesnt drop approx. 4 hour before it should? The joomla Global server configuration is set to Central Time which is where I am at.
As this is an old thread that you just continued, not sure if you are using updated versions of everything or not. If you have updated versions, you won't see the code mentioned here months back.
Anyway, the module has a parameter where you can set if the events are dropped when the event starts or after it ends. You choose. The component does not yet have a setting for this, so events will be listed until they are over... unless you unpublish them. Thanks.