I've been looking around for a while, but was wondering if it was possible to view the list of registrants for an event without having to log in to the back-end admin panel (front-end access)? This is to allow for easy on-site registration access (attendance, adds, etc.)
Hello. The frontend attendee's list can be enabled per event. It can be set as public or private... if private, user would have to be logged in to see it... if public, anyone can see it. There is not currently a way to make that list admin only though.
can i get some hints as to how to enable? i'm pretty new but am unable to find any particular setting for this. I tried to create a menu item that has a type of DT Register > User Panel, however it is just bringing me to an event list.
rbuencamino wrote: can i get some hints as to how to enable? i'm pretty new but am unable to find any particular setting for this. I tried to create a menu item that has a type of DT Register > User Panel, however it is just bringing me to an event list.
In future versions, would it be posible to make the same list that runs on the back-end for the front?
This is because, for example, I run a LOT of events an conventions, and I want my employees to manage the registrants (payments, aprobbal, etc.) because I have to take care of other things, BUT Im really really scared of whan could happen if I let them into the backend, they could bring my site down in 5 minutes. E-Literate is the word for more of them, so in future versions i think that would be usefull.