Hello, Does anyone have a solution for this one... i must be missing something!?!
I setup a custom filed called TAX and set it as a fee field of 7, as a Total Percentage. However, no matter how i enter it, it simply adds 7 dollars to the fee, not 7 percent. (7, 7|, 7 |, 7%, etc.) I tried 100, and it added 100 dollars didn't double the fee. I want to make this a tax field a use it across all the events, so don't want to have a set dollar amount as each event fee is different. Also, other custom fields have fees attached, so need to calculate tax based on what they select as extras...
Drop down wont work i dont think, as TAX is not optional. They must agree to it, so i wanted a required check box... I will play with 0|7, however i only have one check box, so should only need one fee. good food for thought. Ill do more trial and error now. Thanks.
I could perhaps use a radio button, and just have one button... altho a check box would look a whole lot better. It would be nice to have it work....ummm