My registration form was working in test and with people registering for the event for a couple of days, now when you press the "next step" button, nothing happens. Any ideas on where to begin troubleshooting this?
I am having the exact same issue. Like you can click on individual registration then fill out the form and click next step and nothing happens. Something must have broken cause before I upgraded to the latest version everything worked fine!!!
As was stated in the ticket you created for this same thing...
The problem was your Date of Birth custom field. The date field type has an added date format and validation option as of the last release. So any date fields need to be open and re-saved. I simply did that for your one field and now all is well.
So for anyone else that is using DATE custom fields, after upgrading to 2.6.3a, you will need to open and re-save the date fields.
I did not open a ticket for this problem - and I am not using custom date fields.
As I did state I would like to know how to go about troubleshooting the problem.
There was a ticket with the same exact name so I figured it was you...
Do you have sh404SEF or another SEF component enabled? If so, you may need to "Skip" DT Register. This would be my first guess as to your issue. If not, submit a ticket so we can see what else it might be.
no, I do not have a sh404SEF component loaded that I am aware of. I am not sure how I would go about checking since I do not know for what the component is used.
There is no way to open a ticket w/out giving up the site admin username and password so I wanted to try and get help with troubleshooting the problem.