You have obviously created the event to repeat weekly. No way an event will show up without you creating it in your backend screenshot, you see the green + icon on the left... that means there are repeats. Click it and you'll see them. If you accidentally repeated that, you can delete or unpublish the unneeded event. No prob.
The events are repeating,no doubth about that, this one starts on 14 april and repeats 10 times.
So if you want to participate, you'll register on 14 april. But it's also seems possible to register on 21 april for an event (which i didn't create in the backend).
enclosed another screenshot, i've got 2 repeating events, both starting on 14 april (screenshot first post). Frontend, it's possible to register on 4 events... which i certainly do not want.
Both BW1-042011 and BW2-042011 starting on 14 april.
Rendering Error in layout Attachment/Item: Property "protected" is not defined. Please enable debug mode for more information.
A repeating events creates separate events... each repeat has its own ID and functions as a unique event to be registered for. The repeats are NOT just multiple occurrences of ONE event.