Joomla 1.5.15
DTReg 2.7.0i
IPN messages enabled.
Auto return O F F
Ok, so I've been pulling my hair out (again, not much left now) with another Paypal return issue.
I've uninstalled DTreg 2.7.0i, dropped all dtreg tables and made a clean re-install of 2.7.0i. Re-input all events, configuration, etc.
When I hit the "pay now" button on the paypal page, I do receive the sandbox and live mode "receipt for payment" and "notification of payment received" messages and am presented with the "thank you for your payment" paypal page. However, I do NOT receive any dtregister generated "Thanks for registering" nor "Admin notification of new registrant" emails. When I click on "return to merchant" button on the paypal "thank you" page, all that I see after that point is a blank, white page with the url of:
(space added after // so the link appears as plain text)
The /components/com_dtregister/lib/payment/ipnlog.html file grows about 1.2 Mb after each press of the "return to merchant" button. It seems that success.php is generating the multiple "PHP Unknown" debug statements in the ipnlog.html file (the debug code section of success.php matches the format of each line of PHP Unknown errors in ipnlog.html).
Same story when using IE or FIrefox.
So, long story short, I uninstalled 2.7.0i, installed 2.6.9c, setup/resave everything, uninstalled 2.6.9c, reinstalled 2.7.0i/migrate/unsync jevents and still get same blank page, no emails other than paypal's emails and no record created.
Then I uninstalled 2.7.0i, dropped all DTReg tables, AGAIN, reinstalled jevents, reinstalled 2.6.9c and then proceeded to re-setup the way it should be under 2.6.9c. Guess what?? No paypal return error! Records are created, user "thanks for registering" email received, admin "notification of new user email" received, paypal "receipt for your payment" and "notification of payment received" emails received. Works like it used to work.
Just for giggles, I re-upgraded to 2.7.0i and yadda yadda, still doesn't work (get blank page and no records/dt reg emails).
One thing that I do notice is that on 2.6.9c, after dtregister transfers you to paypal, the paypal username is prefilled with the email address that the user input on the dtregister registration page. In 2.7.0i, the paypal username is prefilled with whatever one you used LAST, such as in a cookie or something.
Anybody have an idea of whats going on or how to fix? I'd really like to have 2.7.0i up and running. I also heard that 2.7.0j is due out today? Hoping that Paypal is operative on 2.7.0j because I need a fast solution!