My Checkbox for the Terms & Conditions is disappearing with a Rockettheme Panacea template using DT Register 2.6.9, in Internet Explorer 7
"Custom Field: Checkbox's are showing okay. I have looked into the dtregister.php file but cannot see what css class conflict is causing the Checkbox to disappear.
I have tried adding a border to the Panacea template file rokinputs.png -- this file represents the checkbox.
If any one can offer any valuable advice, I'd appreciate it.
I too would like to know this as we have a legit copy of panacea but our subscription is expired and says im not authorised to view that section . Which is annoying as we only use one template and need fixes
Problem: Radio buttons do not appear in Panacea
Solution: Disabled input styling fixes the radio button not appearing.
Problem: A form field element named "email" will take on styling from other parts of the template, in my case changes background and font colors.
Solution: Changed the form element name from "email" to "email_addr"
Note: You can turn off "Input Styling" under Extensions > Template Manager > (click your template) > Under "Parameters" Gantry, Advanced (turn off input styling).
This only applies to new Gantry Powered Templates.
Thanks Dan , Seems as though I have some exclusion in the Input styling field
ie:- '.content_vote','#rt-popup','#vmMainPage','#community-wrap'
Any idea how I could leave the input styling on yet set an exclusion for dt register?