#1 Ability to ask the person registering a group if they want to bypass the member details screens and just enter a number of registrants and pay. They could even have the option of logging in later to fill in the details. This is invaluable to youth groups since they don't always know WHICH kids are coming, but they want to secure say, 10 spots to get the group discounts or early bird pricing.
#2 Ability to put a % into the minimum deposit amount. It seems to only understand $
#3 Ability to have hidden events. Due to issue #1, I'm having to make special events with additional fields that add on pricing that I already calculated, so the user can choose say, 21 and they get the flat price for 21 people. This year, my client wants to offer a special 40% off to people who use a certain code. Well, that won't work because the system won't calculate it right since I used flat prices in the pop-up fields (it's complicated, but trust me, adding a discount coupon would royally screw it up)...so instead I made a custom event, and then turned off ALL the search functions, and used the "event categories" view for the public to view only the categories I wanted. Then I stuck this event in a category that I don't list on that page. THat's a fine work around if you hide the category drop menu, but if it's showing, the other category shows in it too. All that to say, it would be cool to be able to hide an event from any list or search, but still have it active.