Hello again,
Don't know if you guys have had an official resolution with this issue BUT the good news is that there does appear to be a fix!
'grosman' in another post has discovered that if you substitute the 'success.php' file (found in the ..components/com_dtregister folder) with the version from the V3 package the problem evaporates!
I had a look, compared the two files and discovered that there were a few lines that weren't commented out properly in the 1.7/2.5 version that appear to be crashing the returns from the gateway.
Replace lines 84 to 90 in success.php with the ones shown below if you want to keep your original file intact:-
$mailtxt = var_export($_REQUEST,true);
var_dump( mail('[email protected]','debug moneris',$mailtxt));
$_REQUEST['task'] = "notification" ;
I've tested it and it works for me on my dev site. Haven't tested it live but see no reason why it wouldn't work.
Has anyone had a reply to their tickets? Be very interested to know...