When I click on an event's details button, it goes to the article page. Last year I had Joomla 1.5 and I think 2.7.x. Anyway, I remember clicking on the details button and having the article's content display on a page with a register button and without things like Articles, Published on date, and Parent Category.
Is there still a way to do that? It's really inconvenient to show the details and then force them to either hit the back button or click on the registration link again where they will have to find the event again.
- You have updated the EventLink plugin to the current version for Joomla 2.5
- EventLink plugin is enabled
- Event associated with the article must have active registration. When you view the event on a list of events, does it have an active Register button?
- ANY "com_dtregister" links inside of your article will override the plugin and the automatic button will NOT display. Check your HTML and see if any links are there or made just code remnants from a previous link that isn't displayed but left some HTML behind. Sometimes that happens in these fabulous WYSIWYG editors
Ok... I've gone through and double checked everything as listed above for eventlinks not appearing, but I still do not have any events links appearing at the bottom of my articles. They do appear when I manually enter, but I am hoping to avoid having to do that. Any other suggestions?