I am trying to setup the Mass Email option so authorized accounts can send out emails to registrants. I have the option selected under the permissions tab admin area. I cannot get to to show on the front end. Is this option currently available?
I was also looking to implement this on the front-end.
Is this something that is hard to implement on the front-end? I was really hoping to use this feature.
One of the problems with providing back-end access is the mass email feature shows all events in the system as options to send an email to. Same with CSV export. I only want to allow logged in users to be able to export data and send mail to the events they are the owner of.
Yes, I need front end mass email as well. The backend permission settings eludes you to believe it is for the front end, but it apparently is not.
I don't see the logic in the ability to add individual users for backend mass email access, when the user already has to be part of a group that can access the backend (Super User, Admin, or Manager), so why include the option to put their name there?
Approaching a year now since this thread was started, and it seems this is something that would be so simple to implement, and hugely beneficial to a lot of DTH customers, I don't understand why it's not been implemented.
I got mass email working from frontend in DTRegister 2.8.2a and it seems to work. If you are experienced in PHP and CSS you could do it by your own.
You will have to copy some php files and a folder from the backend controllers/views to the frontend.
Also, you will have to add code in some PHP files for checking if a user is authorized to use the new frontend controller.
And also some code for correct redirecting after supplying the mass Email.
If you are interrested in the details please contact me. (